Feb '19

Mon, 25 February 2019 - Professional Practice seminar - CW

Professional Practice seminar - CW

PPP and audience -

reference to Docherty and the white cube - is it enough to make work for the self, is it important that work is made for people or space - how is it encountered, does it need happenstance, or planned to view -

White cube - the audience - spectator, viewer, observer, perceiver - I tend to say, consumer -

CW- list - witness, observer, audience, participant, spectator, perceiver, viewer, collaborator, partner, conspirator, - the consumer - investigator, invigilator, instigator, the enquirer

peer, look, study, dismiss, power struggle -

How is the audience perceived with he works

how is the work seen

how does the display of the work affect it

15 mins in a breakout room to discuss the audience for our work and what the other person thinks - alternative audiences and ways to engage with them. analyse what role they are taking

Break out with Mark, which is great as Les had suggested I talk to him about the work.

we discuss the projection of work and he suggests. pocket-sized projectors for a phone - Samsung - luminaire phone - will look in to this.

both of us are currently working on the unintentional audience. On producing work/displaying work where it will be happened upon or where the choice of consumption is removed from the audience as they will encounter it unscheduled to them. WE discuss how i may display my work, possibly through the school the newsletter and other published or accessible forms. Then we discuss the lack of access, projecting it into a sealed box or a room that's locked - a sign that says in this room is a video but you can't go in. a non-audience - deliberately not allowing it. the daylight and throw windows and into a room from the outdoors - people will see the projector, they are aware of the happening but perhaps not the work. the visible and the non-visible - when it's happening in a contained room they are aware of it, but when the source is moved outside it creates a new sense of audience - the layers - don't plug it in or leave the lens cover on.

doesn't feel like its art - to busy doing masters in fine art to do the art you want to do.

guerilla audience taking - how to get an audience without having to ask for one. the work has been put to the side to create work for the task, its lead to interesting work but not that was expected. un intention audience - but it is intentional for us as artists, but their consumption is unintentional to them.

accessibility - exclusivity - engagement - comfort and awareness - authenticity and it does the same job if the job is an engagement or a change in thinking - the art world has an exclusivity - self-importance -

not making claims about the work - that we as makers make connections that others don't see - the potential to make a claim that appears unsubstantiated - what the work is about and what is actually visible etc. Where language sits with artwork, how artwork reaches people and its cloaked in the text.

the first audience is the person assessing the open call/ exhibition selection.

how do open calls help move an artist practice - what do they bring to the work, the career, etc

doe it enables the production of work, dies it refine medium or practice - explore boundaries - medium specificity - theme specificity - how to apply to and gain feedback from an open call.

PPP - 1000 - 1500 words - including last years words.

career plan - summary and map of practice - one year ahead, three years head, 5 years ahead. - dreams aspirations - realistic,
identify networks, need for skills or facilities, appropriate ways of presenting other professional considerations
work back into it in a different colour for this year -
be honest - where you are, where you want to be, etc.

reflection of Testing boundaries- - what do we take away, did it work. Would we continue, what would we keep. how have we changed etc. what have we learnt and have we found a seem of investigation that is burgeoning etc.

Mon, 18 February 2019 - Peer review contextual study - KF

Peer review contextual study - KF

15 mins on one person - really be generous and question the writing - go deep, ask the questions - how, why, where? tell me the answer. find the parts that feel like a hurdle. the parts that challenge. make sure that what is being said is clear - not over complicated - know overarching comments that may be stumbling blocks.

Feedback FROM Rhoda -

After the making day - my description on the work I was doing and the fibres helped with Rhoda’s understanding of the 500 words

Performance of drawing - the recording of the drawing - the contrast of the time of working - the projection of the work on top of the finished piece - use the drawing and the programme to do it.

The last paragraph - the layering of the discussion and my practice- really tightly - reprition of   - the accuracy of the drawing so it looks like a print

My practice is integral to the writing - a

Add performance to the keywords as it is a performance -

The tactility of drawing and the fibres covered in a drawing - could they be collected - fibres really intrigued Rhodas thoughts and what was left behind- - what's left before - what left behind

Carbon paper - whats left behind- - really embedded in practice- the tactility and the performance are being enacted in the work I’m doing - a layering in the drawing the writing and the practice -

Keep the work narrow and not to broad - not as linked with the collisions but more linked with the tactility and the performance -

The speculative act of working and drawing - and know - how do we know - the layers of the work have now become the performance layered over the made - the making and the made -

Feb 2019, Empty book making

Decided to make some books ready for experiments. Thinking about density, time, the act of drawing. How can the books link to the act, become performative objects for and of drawing?

A small but lengthy book. I have yet to measure any of them but they were all made to be uncomfortable to read or handle.

The tactility of this book really thrilled me. I found some off cuts of heavyweight drawing paper to use for the covers. The rest of the papers are sugar, craft or cartridge so although the length and the varying shapes of the pages make the book unwieldy it has a strength to it.

The book above is made with preused layout papers. Dependent on what it is filled with it should give a layered effect.

A book of found papers

The largest book I could make with materials available. A little over A3 in size, cardboard to hold the heavy papers together.

This book has been filled. It was time consuming and consumed a part of me in the process. The time and density is reflected in the patterna dnt he layers of graphite that line its pages.

Monday, 4 Feb 2019 - Enquiry: Testing your Boundaries Tutorials - LB

Enquiry: Testing your Boundaries Tutorials - LB

WhenMonday, 4 Feb 2019

Tutorial documentation for Les Bicknell 04.02.19

Brainstorm of ideas and possibilities:

Poems in a bottle and throw them out to sea - don’t want to contribute to ocean pollution, would have to be biodegradable

Post to random address with a return address of course! - would need postage to be prepaid, what would they do with it? Is there an expectation of participation? How would you feel to have work thrust upon you? - would almost defo have a high failure/non-return rate.

Publish a book/pamphlet - group publication - was in process but has gone quiet. Now to explore my own personal publication. Researching poetry publications and recitals - not sure I’m ready for performance but we’ll see.

Skywriting - if only I had a plane?????? - other options: Drone? Banner? Drone with a banner? Sticker on the side of a plane!

Wrote poems in the toilet - illegal to vandalise property, could be down in chalk pen or something washable, they would only be seen for a short time and then wiped away.

Stickers - distribute - like the AC adverts around Dubai - again could be classed as vandalism. A lot of street artists have ‘tag’ stickers they use - see Fats and Katie Wilson etc.

Put them in pigeon holes - at my work and other peoples? Could I recruit friends to distribute pieces of work like stickers of postcards into their places of work?

Stand in a public place and recite without warning - performance piece - would anyone take notice? Does that matter? Would need to be documented so at least one guaranteed audience member.

Print on a massive banner and hang off the school - the house - neighbours house - a limited audience - school are up for use of some space though.

Postcards for purchase? - gifts. come back to the postage one above. Could place them in the community boards (was that one of Les’s ideas?), or in galleries and exhibitions around Dubai, would need a distraction - guerilla art.

Put it in the school newsletter - limited audience, not sure its the right boundary to test.

Embroidery on to clothes and wear it - or paint on to clothes (Ivanka Trump coat repercussions) or t-shirts and give them out. - labourers - free printed t-shirts - what does that say about me and my work, using my privilege?

Different words on t-shirts and move people about - make a video or a performance in a public place.

Submit a video for open calls - check craft council and art res programmes - a-n website. - from Elaine.

Possible collaboration with friend Ben - graphic design background - the boundary of working with others will be pushed!

Labour camps - reaction
Translate poetry into Hindi and distribute it in al Quoz
What does that contrast say - with regard to privilege?

The business card like the lucky-lucky girls - Tart cards - calling cards - stuck in windows of cars.
Implement on one stretch of road and then collect the next day and count, consider all collected as loved.
What would they say? - Pose a question...  ‘we have collided. Is this art?’ ‘Bring your collisions to me, make me feel something’ ‘Are you able to break me? Let's collide and find out’ ‘You want me, my child wants uni tuition, call now’

A considered pause - I am a card stuck in your window.

What does it need to represent?

Human trafficking
Can we subvert that
Be funny
Without being illegal - defamation

The collision of ideals, lifestyles.

What emotional response do the cards envoke?

Guilt, lust, pity….

17th Jan 2019 - Tart card research and ‘pilgrimage’ to Tecom (now Barsha Heights):

Current drawing practice:

These are A4 graphite:

This is A3 graphite, being completed at work with an audience of pupils each session:

Nice little article written by a researcher:


These are fab and I'm envious that it has already been done like this, although I would not have come up with that idea:


These simply contain examples of 'Tart cards' from various locations:



Notes from the tutorial -

What do I want to gain from the opportunity

Don't make it fit if it doesn’t

Do things that are intriguing -

School news latter - the interest that that audience might have. Giving a visibility.

Use the class - a way in to thinking about challenging and changing

The dialogue is fascinating - enabling other people to see it or hear it - the value of art to evolve the thinking behind it. Give out a piece of work. People can come collect it, a give away of the pieces. Focus the audience into members of staff and the children etc on a daily.

What is success? Would it be the conversation with parents and guardians -

Free art - a political act - you don’t have a choice you have to take this. The conversations that people have.

Educational aspects - have the making projected - can it exist somewhere else? Project on to the windows me making the work. Project on to the windows - in the street the making - - on a street.

Recording the making - projecting it to be viewed - projecting the making on to the work being made. Very exciting - both there and not there - the thing that it is and the thing it will be.

Mark - really knows how to play - not getting arrested! There's a flow and a transgressive element to it - his interventions -

Battle drawing  - tie hands opposite and draw a portrait -