Feb '18

IN PROGRESS - Professional Practice Plan - timeline

Deadlines:Monday 19 Feb: Visual Methodologies SeminarMonday 5 March: Tutorial CWMonday 14 May: DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION13 weeks.....Professional Practice Plan (PPP)A working document that starts in year one and continues until you finish study. It is intended to act as a career plan, it is continually revised and kept current over the length of the course.In year one, the PPP is between 500 – 1000 words. Submitted for assessment in June 2018.The plan should be written to include the following, which should be used as a guide and is not exhaustive.1.A summary and map of your practice in professional terms.2.A plan that sets out your aims for one year ahead, three years ahead and five years ahead. It is about dreams and aspirations, but needs to be realistic.3.Includes identification of networks, notes on the need for skills or facilities acquisition, appropriate ways of presenting your practice (e.g. website)Each year the plan is re-worked, amended and added to.Headers for document:Profile BIO: Katie Venner-Woodbridge (b.1982, London, U.K.) is a conceptual mixed media artist living and working in Dubai, U.A.E. Venner-Woodbridge’s work explores the ways in which pattern and routine facilitate human life, but also the ways in which breaking patterns and systems can provide both opportunity or discontent. Through disassembling and reassembling patterns, her work examines anxiety and disruption as both positive and negative forces. It challenges the boundaries between beauty and awkwardness, and between manageable quiet spaces and the uncomfortable containment of chaos. Venner-Woodbridge has exhibited in various group shows in both the U.K and U.A.E.Personal DevelopmentBusiness card - important for networking in Gulf region.CV – relevant to artWebsite – katievennerwoodbridge.comSocial media links – insta, behance, twitter, fb, pinterest, dribble, blogs - how to develop them, which to develop and whyonline sales and promotion: society6, drawback, redbubble, pattenbank etccritical practice programme at tashkeel: funded opportunity.apply for residences and open calls etcComplete MA - most importantlyCommunity Future plans – applications: sikka, , Artist In Residence, research, postsecret (how do I get in), Critical Dialogues, CAD6.0, Project space M Proposal, JJ proposal residency, arts related job for stimulation.Research Proposal for ProfDoc - explore research further and make it more specific to arts.consider making it more focused. a smaller question. Contact tutor on course as she has offered mentorship regarding future application. feedback has already been very promising and was considered for supervising team.Reflection Need to put in time frame and concrete goalsbe aware of personal needs and development deficiencies.utilise help availablehave more confidence in what your doing and don't stop due to lack of confidence.Practical Issues Finances, location, access, family. TIMEself-doubt.career and availability of time and resources while managing job and family.

13/02/2018 - Process: scale

Up scaling work from the hand-bound book overlays using a domestic printer and adobe acrobat to tile print the images. The smallest images in the photgraph below are A4, the middle image is ink on paper, a fragment drawn freehand, from the page that was then scaled up in the printing process.Using a scrap length of muslin, the cloth I favour due to its transparency, I taped to the largest image and utilised various colour markers to trace out  the different fractured patterns. This is prep of density embroidery testing. 

12/02/2018 - Task 4 - Mapping the Territory presentations 2 (Mine) - Intro to Task 5

notes and observations from presentations and discussion

Thoughts sparked by other peoples presentations:

RT - accordion book - cutting pages - context of local artists - those she is interacting with - wish I had thought of that, but also know that I didn't because it's not how I work.

TB - maps - volume - height - mountains - this course feels like climbing a mountain - The wanderer Society by Keri Smith <3 - boundaries of scientific and human knowledge - walking, is that the work? or its relationship to the work? process as work itself EC - clothing - the space your in - walking in space

My presentation:

Katie VW Task 4 Mapping the Territory - presentation.jpg

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Les Bicknell notes and progress

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Mapping my everyday path - the urge to Frottage! A compulsion - to violate the paper before I write.

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The only space big enough to work horizontally

Whole body movement - mind-mapping is a physical process for me, music and movement are needed to create rhythm to facilitate order - I discovered this on foundation when we had to play ‘musical painting’ and dance around paper strapped to the floor - it is a practice I don’t use often due to space restrictions but it feels magical!

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Notes and layout notes to be processed - bare feet on the floor and tea are necessary!

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The path dissected and reordered again - transplanted to studio to be worked on

Messy and uncomfortable - disjointed

The reason I don’t like mind-maps

black and pink mind 35per.jpg

Transplanted into a digital programme MindX - can save as pdf

White text on black background makes it simpler and clean/organised layout creates harmony

I feel more fulfilled by renegotiating the information in to this context - all processes are needed at this point

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Section of map - four key interests of practice - discovered through this process and the continual re-working

Interlinking is happening

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Artists and art history ‘timeline’ - my timeline not an actual one, how they relate in my thinking as per Elkin -

My personality requires permission to veer from rules and what I deem as expectations so these texts and activities are invaluable to me

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Theoretical and critical - starting to bring in research and reading - possible avenues to explore and also reading list - need to add the interlinks

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More on the headings under Critical and theoretical

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Additional branch - materiality - interesting as I am encountering a standstill in practice - almost a ‘to do’ list for stuck moments

black and pink mind 35per.jpg

white orange mind 35per.jpg

The comparison of a white background and black - I will be getting a version printed to pin to my studio wall and develop by hand further - a continuously growing and developing document.


R: with actual territory - part of the place & movement

Learning a lot about the way you approach the task - travelling through the mindmap is like travelling through the work - a sense of where your ideas come from & what influences you alongside how it influences you and your interpretations of it.

From Chatbox:

E: a real sense of trying to get order to your thoughts in your task

K: I love the tiles, that looked beautiful.

E: you would also love the'cartographies of time - a history of the timeline' by rosenberg and grafton

K: My pleasure, it definitely shows how how your mind operates.

P: Your final slides made me think of electrical circuits.

R: I was hoping that I could see your mind map on the frottage...but maybe it will be too

EC: it seemed you started out and moved in and then in your chart you moved from in to out

K: It is interesting that you and Jessie used your own territory in some way.

J: walking seems to be a theme today!

R: I'm going to add it to my map!

T: The process as ordeal is understandable. Well done for fitting so much in! I know I'll keep adding bits to my map as I figure more out.

Task 5 - Exploratory Project

Small group meetings throughout task.

undirected, vague, can be unnerving

  • Les Bicknell - Richard Serra - list of verbs - doing - discover - what you want to do.
  • Stewart Geddes - several pieces at once - moving - reflective
  • Scanlon & Grivell - how can we intervene? who with? how can we play? what form will it take? what form now? and now?....

mirror - what reflects back on yourself - Hassan Sharif notes - I made this comment

Keep it alive - not resolved work - quality of engagement. quality of exploration

personal risks - suspension of usual judgement - choose something that will challenge.

making work - carrying on your practice

Whats the question? whats the risk? whats the challenge?

If your struggle is to make something that may be the greatest risk

go back to mapping & feedback & comments - what keeps coming up? what are you 'itching' to do?

words - thoughts - research - digesting research - eating it up? - consuming - time, knowledge, etc.


what can I find? What can I explore?

foam - embroidery around, stitching to fabric - glass tubes embroidered - fragility & transparency  - fine fractures - life, time, consumptions - rice - candy - food stuffs that are glass like and delicate.

'research proposal' - outline - see questions - personal responses.

list of activities on brief sheet

GCC group for discussions

David Kefford for tutorial.

05/02/2018 - Task 4 - Mapping the territory Presentations 1 - Intro in to context - notes for reference

notes and observations from presentations and discussion

Thoughts sparked by other peoples presentations:

- a 'thought dump' - More questions than answers - 'Post Photography' after the photo, what you do with them - immigrant - emigrate - migrant - the right of voice - it is relevant but can you comment?

- Physicality - notes from presentation to feed in to context map - frustration due to lack of challenging critique - lovely that its supportive commentary, just backing up ideas - no challenge, no push back - how to move forward with a pat on the back?!

- Questions - De Certeau

foundation for the contextual study -

Purpose - VALIDATION - proving our work is relevant by providing context - context - companions - new perspective - context - your work in context - research & development, critical analysis - what are other people doing in the similar field (concept/material etc), why do you stand out and also fit in?

RT - an artist statement plus validation

KO - the way we work our mindmaps is similar to the way we work our practice - So valid - how I work- created the responses to questions - broke it up - reconfigured it - broke that up - reconfigured - then translated in to digital output

Workshop - bring ideas - get on with it

active bibliography - exhibition catalogues, journals, bookmarks

12 march - tutorials - draft title - enquiry, key points, quotes, images - 2 A4 side of 'research' or starting material