Gulf Futurism – during & post war – containment embodied or expressed through/mall as escape. Connection through disconnect. A virtual free worlds within a real restricted one.
economical survival of the fittest
neoliberal society – failure is eliminated.
- late capitalism – unrealistic sustainability of resources. Master planning, world building.
- hyper-driven - master- plans – dystopias – metropolis – reality to appoint – utopianism
Time Traveller – observations by foreigners are amazingly uniform. ‘where tradition & modernity meet’ Its as if there’s a membrane or smoke screen of unreality blasted up.
Gruen transfer – first mall design – to make time pass slowly so you spend more time/money inside the mall.
‘invasive species of colonists’ – if we all are, can we be angry at those before us who acted in ways we don’t condone today? We can reflect on the past to change the future, but what’s done is done.
‘Re-importation’ ‘Here vs. There’
Expats that are born and raised here but not given official status as citizens.
Experience - Identity - Expatriate vs migrant vs immigrant - from middle east or in middle east – classification of middle eastern artist – context of work.
Orientalism – redaction into stereotypes/tropes – kitschifying
Avoiding self-Orientalizing – beyond the gulf – work re-imported was lightly kitsch
Self-censorship is the enemy
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