Nov '17
Following on with my process, I had photocopied previous fractured patterns, using a piece of square mount board I had collected in a drawer, I cut random squares out of these pieces. This resulted in crops of pattern that had already been through a process of building and releasing/forming and fracturing and were once again being fractured.As a consequence fragments of paper in slightly abstracted shapes remained. These were then pieced together to create an unrelated fragmentation.
To re-form, these were transferred to the sketchbook to create a unified look.
An app called Scannable was used to create high contrast images, removing the noise from the page and paper texture. An interesting emergence considering that the images themselves are chaotic and noisy, but the feeling of the crisp background giving a quiet note to the pieces.
Comparing these to previous fractures, they have a lot of detail missing, are far more simple while still alluding to the repetition of geometry. How far can they be fractured and still maintain the essence of repetition?
space and consumed space according to stats/databedspaces-apartments- - floor plans? sq ft per personvillas-office- space calculator - lawshouse - average living space per person - uk 38m2 in 1991, 44m2 2001 - UWErestaurant - personal space - flowing data.comeconomies of scale - elements of scale
Thinking about steps and ladders in art as a means to get higher, climbing the ladder. How long is it? What is it constructed from?
climbing class, society, we talk about getting high as a means of aspiration, to rise up.
'in a field of destructive torrents and explosions, was the tiny, fragile human body’ (Benjamin 1973: 84). The juxtaposition of an industrial, technological and destructive force, with the ‘unprotected’ human body sets the scene not just for modern warfare but for modern life in general.' (p57, Highmore, B, 2003. Crashed out - Laundry Vans, Photographs and a Question of Consciousness)
delicate humans - embroidery - muslin - low thread count
thread - tension - life, everyday
traffic lights - speed, slowing down, control, restriction - pushed forward then pulled back. controlled freedom. (Influenced from Highmore, B, 2003. Crashed out - Laundry Vans, Photographs and a Question of Consciousness)
soft and tactile - rendering of structure of the city - its materiality - soften it - as it hardens us.
'What is being pictured is not the disciplined bodies of worker-soldiers, but the lithesome and mutable body of the dancer. The crash releases the body from the constraint of a certain attitude, it allows for another manner of being.' (p59. Highmore, B, 2003. Crashed out - Laundry Vans, Photographs and a Question of Consciousness)
The phrase Barthes (or his translator, Richard Howard) uses to insist on a weaving of the real through the threads of textuality is ‘image repertoire’. It is to this that we are condemned. (p60. Highmore, B, 2003. Crashed out - Laundry Vans, Photographs and a Question of Consciousness)
What does it mean that you use the same process; that your practice and the content of your work go through this habitual taming and liberation?
practical repetition - process & inspiration - mirroring & replication
recapitulation - summarising & restating main point = dearted
Pattern: design, motif, system, arrangement, sequence, framework, composition, layout, shape
To use the same process.
Practice & content continually/habitually tamed & liberated
accumulation gives a sense of direction
repetition moves forward & descends in to controlled process produced chaos.
for me: repetition of process provides accumulation, which gives sense of direction, it moves forward, mirroring the everyday that takes persistently recurrentlyrepeatedly us through life.
collage created from own image archive
digital patterns created from own image archive.
utilising the symmetry of the architecture alongside perspective of image to generate new lines of symmetry
collage created from own image archive
collage created from own image archive of digitally manipulated photos
digital patterns created from own image archive.
digital patterns created from own image archive.
utilising the symmetry of the architecture alongside perspective of image to generate new lines of symmetry
Reading or to read: Rita Felski, Henri Lefebvre, Situationalists, Marx, Critique of everyday life, Ron Silliman's Ketjak, Attention Equals Life: the pursuit of the everyday in contemporary poetry - Andrew Epstein,
'forms based on repetition & accumulation can be a powerful tool in the quest to rescue the everyday from neglect' (Attention Equals Life: the pursuit of the everyday in contemporary poetry - Andrew Epstein)
'the deliberate structure of accumulation and repetition is directly tied to its desire to approximate the experience of everyday life' (Attention Equals Life: the pursuit of the everyday in contemporary poetry - Andrew Epstein)
'circularity and repetition that gives the everyday its flavour of ennui', sameness, art, perpetual reoccurrence'. (Attention Equals Life: the pursuit of the everyday in contemporary poetry - Andrew Epstein)
'each dawn (is) a return to an eternal conclusion' Silliman'distinguished from the exceptional moment.' (Felski, The Invention of Everyday Life, 2000)
'immanence rather than transcendence' (Felski, The Invention of Everyday Life, 2000)
'everyday rituals may help to safeguard everyday life.' (Felski, The Invention of Everyday Life, 2000)
'repetition can signal resistance as well as enslavement,' (Felski, The Invention of Everyday Life, 2000)
'the most repetitive of lives bears witness to the irreversible direction of time; the experience of ageing, the regret of past actions and inactions, the premonition of death.' (Felski, The Invention of Everyday Life, 2000)
Look at colour & texture
Poetry about the city | diasporas | London | Brixton | Brooklyn |
refugee camps - stacking people - holocaust - concentration camps - comparison?
Low cost housing + -
City living - luxury vs necessity
Construction camps | labour camps- Flooding with people - council housing / Acton, London
The repetitive nature of a building - stacking recreated into another repetition - looming - unstable as architecture - repetitions of daily notices - subtract areas of image - create extra tall images then change fragments of the pattern so it doesn’t work (repeat).
architectual repeats
creating pattern from city scape
building upon the architects patterns
investigating won planning, city planning, pattern of dwelling, how cities grow & build skyscrapers (IE: book on building Effiel tower) - feeds into fractal patterns -