This year really pushed my critical engagement, I resisted at first. I found it tough to move the practice out of my comfort zone, not the practices comfort zone as I have control over it until it is released. Starting the projections inside my place of work maintained the security, I really didn't see the works potential until I projected the videos on to the supermarket, it didn't matter too much about the engagement of the audience, but mainly that there was one. It presence became routine, it was there when they entered the building and still playing when they left, I would like to explore this further with much longer viewings, perhaps over days to see how this varies the engagement. I'm interested in the philosophy of the Event, how can a staging of and Event change the events experienced by others, the constancy is the time and location, the collision is within the events of their own lives.
This year changed the notion of 'chaos' to 'collision' and brought with it the theory of the event in philosophical writing. Inherent in the event is the notion of time and space, these things were so glaring obvious in my practice, I had already referenced them but in a subtler way. Clarifying this context was an epiphany moment. I am so grateful to the tutors on the course for guiding me and allowing this to be unearthed!
Writing is a sticking point for me, I really enjoy story telling, I like the way words play to the point that it has made its way in to my practice. However writing the contextual study was hard work, I was nervous about relating my work to that of others, which I do believe is a confidence issue more than a writing one. I need to work harder next year on maintaining a consistent writing practice. Allowing the work to be compared and discussed in the same space as other artists looking at similar themes or working in a similar way gave the work strength and validation, this was unexpected as I had been taught in the design space to strived of originality, but finding these contemporaries also open the doors for growth and possible collaboration.
I ended up really enjoying the Testing Boundaries task, although I do wonder if I would have felt the same if I had not had the opportunity to project the work at the music festival. I felt such a high from the work being so large and consuming, and the feed back was great. I don't know if it would receive that same feedback from a critical art audience though. Showing my work in public was empowering as an artist and led to self-evaluation and further development of the work. I am taking away from the project that perhaps some works are better shown in their current state and evaluated after rather than striving for perfection and never getting them out there.
A visual of the course. Missing are some photo-books I created and didn't have time to photograph and a video that is under construction.
My videos:
My poetry: