Jan '20

31.01.2020 - painting

A glance
The table set
I glance around
Resting my eyes on you for a moment
you‘re looking at me
It seems
Of course
Where else would you look
An acknowledgement
Time is sought out
To come together
For a moment or longer
Brush to canvas
Working through thoughts
In the dark of the garden
no one is watching
we hope
This is our time

29.01.2020 - graphite

Crave you
My thoughts are full
Of you
With you
For months now
Years even
There you are
Still so much to learn
About you
From you
With you
When we meet
Awkward pauses
Portray the tension
The expectation
What will be the next move
The first move
The last move
Will I end
Or build more.